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2500 South Toledo Avenue
Palm Springs, CA 92264


Experience a few quiet hours of "getting away from it all" on over 150 miles of convenient riding trails that provide both solitude and breathtaking beauty. Located in Palm Springs near the Indian Canyons, Smoke Tree Stables offers guided rides by the hour or for the entire day!

HHP Training

Now offering Horse Human Partnership training at Smoke Tree Stables

Join Us for the Equine Assisted Therapy Foundations Training

  • This February 7th, 8th, and 9th, 2025

    We’re hosting an in-person Foundations of Equine Assisted Services training at Smoke Tree Stables in beautiful Palm Springs. This hands-on program is designed to provide you with the foundational skills and knowledge to begin facilitating equine-assisted services.

April Dona, MA, LMFT

Embark on an experiential journey with our in-person course, designed to provide you with both the knowledge and hands-on experience necessary to master the foundations of facilitating Equine Assisted Psychotherapy and Learning.

Who Should Attend:

  • Mental health professionals interested in incorporating equine partnerships into their therapeutic practice.

  • Equine professionals looking to expand their services by offering Equine Assisted Learning or Coaching.

  • Anyone curious about how partnering with horses can foster personal growth and healing.

What You’ll Gain:

  • Comprehensive knowledge and practical skills to confidently facilitate equine-assisted sessions.

  • Insight into our unique approach that emphasizes building authentic relationships with horses.

  • Step-by-step guidance for low-impact activities that respect and honor the horse’s autonomy and choice.

  • A certificate of completion to showcase the expertise you’ve acquired.

Reserve your spot today by clicking BOOK NOW